It’s about fucking time, media. They are partly responsible for this shit show and should be apologizing to the American people everyday.
It’s about fucking time, media. They are partly responsible for this shit show and should be apologizing to the American people everyday.
The same Matt Lauer who was tricked and deceived by that master manipulator, Ryan Lochte!
Actually, Milla’s wig is way more lifelike than the dried-out yarn on top of Kellyanne’s head.
Kellyanne Conway Multipass?
You know that’s not real, right? That’s Anderson laughing from something on Ridiculist, not Kellyanne. No fake news, please.
Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”
Whiny little fuckers.
I had to buy my own and deliver it to myself.
AND eat it all by myself.
Anyone who is complaining that a poorly shaped Pizza Hut pizza “ruined” their Valentine’s Day has an extremely different values system than I do.
Anyone that lives in a decent size city and orders Papa John’s, Domino’s, etc. over independent joints deserve what they get. Most cities have a decent pizza place, no one should ever have to subject themselves to this shit...
Boo this man, boo him! Booooooo!
This season has always felt kind of like a prelude to a Pens-Caps playoff showdown for the East,
Sure, then Kessel just gets the puck earlier. The default 2 on 1 strategy for a D is to play the pass and not the puck. You want to force Malkin to shoot from a non-ideal angle. Sometimes it’s just not possible.
Absolutely filthy.
I’m a hawks fan and i know i’m super spoiled, but jesus fucking christ i wish Malkin was a Blackhawk.
It was annoying seeing that on my ballot. I did enjoy leaving that blank, though. I went to school with his kids and hated them. They were your typical spoiled rich kids.
This is delicious. I don’t know who signed him up for PP, but I’m sending them $100 rigth fucking now. In that twitter users name.
Please let’s leave out the comments about “We should just have all restrooms be unisex”! No. Fuck no. I mean for single person bathrooms, totally. NOT for stalls. And read my entire comment before spouting off at me, okay? For one thing, YOU might be all hyped up to have a dude bare leg-to-leg in the stall next to…
any and all forms of discrimination that flash across my screen, i shall respond in one way. eat a dick
Conservatives dream of a world that closely resembles a medieval village.
I can see it, but I think it would physically pain Trump to willingly put himself in the category of Nixon. Trump fancies himself a Reagan with a Kennedy future (Ivanka, etc.).