Fifth-and-a-Half Element

Take a gander down to the Justice Department and you might get a clearer idea of why there was no consultation. Homeland Security and the State Department, too. In the week that he’s been ruling by executive order and grandstanding at a GOP retreat, Trump has still not named appointees to fill *hundreds* of positions

Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this

Keep fighting! States can fight back. Your individual state does not have to bow down to trump! Make your voices heard locally. Pressure your representatives to do better. To do what’s right for their constituents.

Unfortunately, they’re still letting in people from the Confederate States.

Under Pres. Trumps’s executive order, a non-Christian mother and child traveling from a Middle Eastern country would be detained at the airport.

Mr. Trump, don’t build that wall. (someone’s got to get him to say this)

Smoke em if you got em!

Man, even people that help the US government, and get green cards for doing so, can’t catch a break solely because they are Muslim? WTF.

I lived in Boston back in the day. I can validate your statement that it is, in fact, full of douchebags.

I was called a faggot twice over Christmas in Boston, Mass is full of douchebags.

I have one neighbor who flew a GOP flag in front of his house in downtown Philadelphia. I tell my kids to refer to him as “the bad man”.

I live in a stereotypical East Coast liberal enclave that went 80%+ for Clinton—and I see Trump signs and stickers in my neighborhood.

I live in western Washington albeit in a rural county. Trump fans everywhere. I get angry stares at the gym when I change the channel to MSNBC :)

Friendly reminder to my fellow blue state residents: We are not immune. These people are everywhere.

He’ll declare that Mar a Lago is a national monument of historic interest, then demand the federal government builds a sea wall to protect against rising sea levels (just like he’s trying in Ireland).

Please, you are talking about people who trashed Michelle Obama for wearing sleeveless dresses, but think Melania’s nude photos are just fine.

Russian Winter Palace is way better then Trumps winter place. SAD!!!!

Well, to be fair, white men need more time to relax because of responsibilities while black presidents can’t stop working because they should model good slave behavior.

You mean the same people who would’ve rioted had the first black president been inaugurated and then announced he would start work on Monday?

He’s already planning his first vacation there for Feb 3rd, per the NY Times. I wonder if the the “OBBUMMER PLAYED TOO MUCH GOLF!” people will comment on that in a similar fashion?