Fifth-and-a-Half Element

“But the negatives seemed to cost.”

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THIS. (Although Tom Baker will always be my Doctor.)

Ok, I lol'd.

Bad Kinja...bad, bad Kinja.

That’s just the Pitts.

If partying in hell means I escape these assclowns in heaven, punch my ticket now.

Lord Geebus make it stop.

The Google pop-up ad on the video seemed mildly appropriate:

Secret Squirrel? Now there’s an obscure ‘70s reference.

Now playing

Anymore when I read about a Trump rally (or any Republican rally for that matter) all I can think of is this:

Eons Fashion Antique in Pittsburgh has an INCREDIBLE selection of women’s vintage clothing.

Dammit! How did I miss “Degloved zoo penis”?!?!

This is bloody brilliant.

Well that’s if JR would just step down.