Fiesta Foreva

Rockets fan here.

Sadly though, with no Parker and a gimpy Kawhi next round, its going to take a Red Auerbach-ian effort to compete with the Warriors.

Hey Jonathan Simmons is a Houston native so it’s kinda like a moral victory.

I was unable to watch this game. I am the only one near me who even knows who the Spurs are, but I have been die hard since before the Admiral (for some reason). I had my first “therapy” session and I have yet to tell anyone in my family even, but I can tell Deadspin (because you don’t know who I am). I missed a

Uhm. My cycle has been so messed up for the last couple of years I’m not sure I’ve gone a seven-day period without spotting. My secular humanist style is cramped plenty by this, but an Orthodox woman in my situation...

You don’t think that brainwashing girls into believing that having periods makes them “impure” is harmful?

Ah Pence. Don’t want that chocolate cream pie stirring up your loins when Mother isn’t around.

Diet coke, extra sauce, another scoop of ice cream....

They almost always do harm people, though. Kids who are brainwashed into believing this crap. Women who are forced to be subservient to men (hello orthadox Judaism). Public education that is warped by a community’s religious beliefs. Homosexuals who are ostracized by their families.

I think the reason why people only care about feel good stories about running is because no one cares about running. Like, at all.

With each viral story, what’s reinforced isn’t that running is difficult and that sometimes you can’t finish, but that competition is selfish, and true athletes make sure others finish.

most people grow out of being a contrarian edgelord by the time they’re 16

More like the case against defining yourself by how you choose to exercise.

I used to work for Penn State, and this is not OK, not OK at all, the University needs to just leave this family in the past and I’m tired of seeing this guy pop up.

I feel bad about my handwriting.

People make fun of “black” names all the time. Source, someone who has discussed sports with old white people in the 21st century.

because having a dumb white name won’t make employers throw your resume in the trash

Brent Barry’s voodoo doll finally took effect.

But can he act in an HEB commercial? That’s the real question.