Fiesta Foreva

I’m 32 with one new kid and I don’t see how older people do it. Or how anyone does it more than once. Physically and financially. I used to be broke. I now make good money and have decent insurance, and was amazed broke people can afford the birth alone. We’re already $6500 out of pocket from the hospital!

Don’t have kids if you don’t want them and don’t let people try to convince you you’ll change your mind. You may not. I just had a kid, but I always wanted one since I was a little girl. I respect and totally understand those who don’t want them.

Nobody calls it the green line. People just call it the 4/5/6 and some old timers might call it the Lexington line.

“Austin is nice, but is actually the fucking worst.”

I’m dying to know what the Spurs offered.

LeBron has a no-trade cause and has made clear he won’t waive it for anything.

You owe circus animals an apology. They’re highly trained and are being forced to perform against their will.

I wear a compression-ish knee sleeve and have for 15 years because if I don’t, sometimes my knee randomly buckles when I move fast, cool! How is wearing the sleeves any dumber for regular people than athletes if they actually work?

It’s a joke about how stupid he looks/that this photo is embarrassing enough for him to need to resign in disgrace.

All animal sports need to go. Do your own running for humans’ entertainment, humans.

According to the reports, zeranol is only banned because it could be used by someone who was also using testosterone. If her T tests didn’t come out high, in what way was she likely to be cheating?

Yeah, they should make it more like football, where they stop and stand around for 3 minutes for about every 20 seconds of play or like soccer where hours can pass without anyone scoring. Pace is definitely the problem with basketball.

Yeah, I’m a Spurs fan, but I’m not mad about this and I never thought Kawhi would get it anyway. Agree LeBron is the real MVP, but he’s had it enough times and Russ deserves it this year.

Well, he’s been to the finals. 2012. KD and Harden were there with him.

HOLY SHIT! That’s a 1050 sq ft 2-1 house. I was expecting it at least to be big. If someone pays that much they are a fucking idiot. A house in Central Austin that size would still not be that much unless it was historic, a new fancy townhouse in the middle of the nightlife, or very very close to downtown. In my

Eh, I regret going to UT for both of my degrees and one of them is a law degree that I’ll be paying off approximately forever (or maybe longer, thanks Betsy!). It’s not Baylor, but Texas is just kinda fucked.

Too bad UT has to allow guns on campus now because it’s a public school. They fought it as best they could. Baylor probably voluntarily allows guns given their culture.

There was some ad with Jo when she said she interned in NYC and wanted to live there at one point. I was like ORLY? That’s a little off-brand.

I have buyers remorse about moving back to Texas, and I live in Austin and I’m from here! This state is only getting more and more fucked up, honestly.

I think her family is super Christian. I live in Austin and am down the street from one of the several evangelical Korean churches here. Most of the many Chinese and Korean kids I grew up  with went to large, conservative evangelical Chinese or Korean church.