
Sorry to be a complete pedant, but when I read this it instantly bugged me: shouldn't it be "a whopping $300 million"? Or does "whooping" mean something other than "yelling in excitement" or "beating someone up"?

The title track of Blitzen Trapper's Destroyer of the Void that opens the album is an awesome Queen song that precedes 11 Blitzen Trapper songs. Which are also pretty good ("The Man Who Would Speak True" is one of my favorite songs ever) but I really want to hear the Queen album that Blitzen Trapper seemed like they

I've played a lot of cribbage, but I've never heard "pegging" used in that context. What's wrong with "scoring"? Although I guess that could have sexual connotations as well.

Not a single solitary mention of poor Franklin? Talk about adding insult to gruesome neck-snapping injury

I don't think I've ever seen such a heavily white, rock-oriented music list on AV Club. Really guys? Not a single soul or rap artist? Or a rock artist of color? (Besides Kele Okereke, of course.) I like indie rock as much as the next guy, but jesus.

Let me tell you a wonderful story about a man named Woody and his best friend Soon-Yi…

Let me tell you a wonderful story about a man named Woody and his best friend Soon-Yi…

I could have sworn it's, "Never sleep on Barry O." As in "Barry Obama." Not sure what "Barry Hill" means. C'mon AV Club, you guys are supposed to be up on your hippity-hop diction!

I could have sworn it's, "Never sleep on Barry O." As in "Barry Obama." Not sure what "Barry Hill" means. C'mon AV Club, you guys are supposed to be up on your hippity-hop diction!

Top 30! My life is validated!

Clearly it's Annie's Boobs