Fucking hell. Now that Firefly is on Disney+ I was considering rewatching it but this and just Adam Baldwin in general (pour one out for Chuck as well) has put me off completely.
Fucking hell. Now that Firefly is on Disney+ I was considering rewatching it but this and just Adam Baldwin in general (pour one out for Chuck as well) has put me off completely.
“Ugh, shut up, Xander” is exactly how I feel about him pretty much every time he says or does anything. Plus it’s what I’m going to say to annoying self-proclaimed feminist nice guys from now on whenever they piss me off.
I hate the whole Natasha/Bruce relationship on all sorts of levels, but that one has never been it. It always felt like it came out of nowhere, with Nat being portrayed as little more than desperate for a romantic relationship and none of the other guys she works with are available so she settles.
I was in my 20s when Buffy debuted and had already seen what a creator’s avatar can do to a show. Wesley Crusher became far less insufferable as time went on, however. I could never abide Xander; I found him petty, resentful, entitled to the attention and affection of the women around him, and boring as all get out.…
The main issue with Inara’s character in the show, for me, is not anything about how she’s written or what she does but how Mal treats her. The main character of the show constantly mocks and degrades the sex worker. It’s gross.
I really don’t see how he’s the heart of the scoobies - that’s frequently stated but never really shown. I mean, it’s shown I guess when he talks Willow down from destroying the world and when he lectures Buffy about the fight she’s in with Riley, but in the first scenario I can’t help but see that as Joss letting his…
I didn’t know about any of the open secrets and such about Whedon but I was fucking surprised he continued to be considered anything but trash after it came out that S2 of Firefly’s plan to solve Mal and Inara’s plotline was for Mal to only start respecting her (and stop shaming her for sex work) after she was gangrape…
Let me start by saying, I love Buffy. It’s a fun, witty, well crafted show that it on my constant rerun comfort watch list.
I’m so damn tired of men getting away with being assholes because ‘he’s a creative genius’. There are plenty of other talented artists out there that aren’t assholes.
So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.
My guess is Riri Williams, aka Ironheart. Marvel seems to be laying the groundwork for Young Avengers, and Ironheart would be a good Ironman replacement.
Cool, but this is absolutely a story that needs to be covered by the news. We should not help the Conways cover up abuse of their daughter.
I have not seen my parents or brother since covid hit. My wife (a nurse) is currently getting tested right now. She woke up with symptoms but had to have a virtual screening before they agreed to test her. Hoping for results in the next hour or two. Even if it comes back negative she was told to monitor her symptoms…
Another Easter Egg: when one of the speeder bikes crashes it broke into three pieces exactly like the old toy did.
It’s Adam Baldwin all over again. Like, just, please, God, shut up, stop being an asshole, and let me like you as an actor.
I was kind of hoping Dave would go this week and was gutted when Hermine got booted instead. The judging definitely seems more episode by episode this season and within that it seems like you can have a terrible week so long as you do okay with the showstopper challenge.
-I loved the Sussex pond puddings, if only because I’m certain they were invented purely to show off. “That’s right, fellow 18th century British aristocrats, we can afford lemons. And not just candied peel or some bullshit, but whole lemons. We have so many we just chucked them into your dessert. Impressed?”