FieroGT, NBK

Redline: Ok, you got me here, pushrods don’t rev too well.

GM has shown that V8s are still relevant, especially in trucks, compared to on-paper-more-efficient smaller displacement forced induction engines.

Sound and perceived “refinement”. Why would I spend $80k on a car that shares it’s engine with a farmer’s truck?

“Demanding that all four of you travel in a single vehicle, howver, means the bikes are out.”

Yup, and if you see someone making the turn to nose in as you’re pulling through, BACK THE HELL UP!

Agreed. I would also add that if two people are going for the same spot, the person accessing the spot from the aisle has right to the spot versus the person pulling through. Because that would be an ultra jerk move to swipe a spot from someone else because you don’t want to park in the spot you are already in. haha

Yeah, only okay for angled parking when you’re parking out far, past most cars.

Only for perpendicular parking.  If the lot is angle parking; you will pull out and be going the wrong way down the aisle.

Pulling through is Okay.  Parallel parking facing the wrong direction is NOT.  

In a word, yes. Porsche does have a more rigorous cooling system than Tesla and Tesla has more efficient motors--so you can't minimize the impacts of those.  But yes, VW group holds back a lot of usable capacity. It's why the E-Tron also has so little range

The Porsche is a performance car. The Tesla is a luxury sedan. One will track all day and tear up the autobahn, they other wont.

Wait a minute ...

Fairly certain that just about anything that isn’t a mandatory throw-out item ends up in the personal possession of the TSA agent in question. Half the stuff they claim is on the list probably isn’t. We ARE talking about a jobs program for the otherwise unemployable. Legalized petty theft is a big draw for certain

There’s a company called Airport Mailers that does exactly this. They’re only set up in a coupla dozen airports, but that’s exactly the service they provide.

I’ve seen these at airports - there’s an envelope and you can mail it back or to your future destination.

It would be great if the USPS had a little kiosk where you could buy an small box or envelope and drop it in a mail it to yourself. I’m sure thousands of little pocket knives and multi-tools get confiscated every year.

This is terrible advice and a great way to get needlessly arrested at an airport in 2020. 

Stashing unidentified objects in “hidden” spots of an airport could never go poorly if someone came across them or spotted you doing it. 

That doesn’t seem advised at all. Imagine, I couldn’t do that at Logan - The amount of cameras....! I’d get arrested between the gate and the plane, under suspicion of putting a bomb outside in a hedge. ‘But Office, it’s a vintage 1983 Tube of Toothpaste, I DIDN’T WANT TO THROW IT AWAY! I’ll be back in a week, I just

Depending on the airport, for small items, you may be able to go outside and find a hidden spot to stash the confiscatable item and pick it up when you return. Above a ledge, behind a bush, etc. This is what my sibling did succesfully.