
@ReelFashionista: yeah I gues its more about writers than directors. But yeah I hate it when someone's work gets hijacked like this, even if the original creator gives consent.

@Knight_of_Pentacles: abstinence schmabstinence... with this new promiscuity drug I can now swap fluids with whover I want and feel 90% confident I won't get HIV.

@jupiterthunder: I've even applied for ones that require you to fill out an online application where the text of your resume has to be copy'n'pasted into a formatless textbox with no option to include attachments. Never been so angry about applying for work before.

@devilishd: (boss): "yes miss, now if you could leave it with me I'll make sure to take a look later..."

@Haneyg: sarcasm, right?

Even if I wanted to I can't... no webmail, no remote access, no server access for devices of any kind, just workstations.

@kylynara: 1. Everyone's credit score would immediately tank. - No, but those who are networked with someone who has a low score would drop by just a little bit. Conversely, networking to someone with a good score would bring yours up just a bit. Nor must this factor necessarily by heavily weighted (that would serve

@Biduleman: I'll be your facebook friend... wait, can I see your credit score first?

@bayern: talk of "reality distortion fields" and eye contact kind of reminded me of hypnotoad (go ahead click on the picture)

@theaceplaya: yeah funny thing about tv shows, they always go downhill after they hit their peak ;)

I hate the term "Up To XX% Off!"

@DARSFOG: other contenders:

@flinx1: that was my thought, put all my eggs in one basket and guard it with my life, rather than lose individual items one at a time. Yeah, scary having $1500 worth of gear everywhere you go, but that fear is what keeps it in your mind...

Creating CAD standards for a company is a great time-sink. Also, working for a group of engineers that can't agree on an idea is another huge waste of time. I particularly like when you spend a month designing something, then it suddenly takes an entirely new direction and all your work is scrap... then when you

@Vexxarr: true, even if its a clone of a mutant Aunt whom is mute.

@flinx1: even worse is putting your (fully loaded) wallet in your backpack along with your DSLR, Cell/PDA/MP3 player, expensive earphones, medications etc, then having that backpack stolen :(