
No mention of Cold-FX on here? Some studies show that regular moderate use does in fact reduce occurrences and severity of colds (though the only studies that show the benefit are funded by the company - but I have had several actual licensed physicians recommend it before). I think it comes from Ginseng root.

@Ajh: When I was a student and in the poorhouse I starved. Along with my drop in weight I also experienced the fatigue - falling asleep on the couch as soon as I got home or had supper.

@brettwmorris: yes, calories... less intake + equal output = burn fat. The issue for most is how to go about it (metabolism is important to the psychology of eating)

@thinkerer: yeah, avoid salty processed foods, also avoid over-refined table salt and opt for sea salt or other natural salts instead.

@Skyjumper: i'd take a photo of it first, then the pic would go into my folder of about 3000 other random photos of meaningless stuff. Problem solved, nothing to block the view and the task remains unfinished forever.

@Dan122186: ugh I hate the slim necks on so many button-ups.

@joeny1980: funny thing when I was in an Old Navy store in Vancouver I couldn't find a jacket that fit in the entire store and I'm an average, medium build. I guess the stores mostly stock smaller sizes for the local demographic but all that was left over was XXL in the entire store.

Voiding the warranty? How about voiding the law? All of these digital hacks go completely against the DCMA (digital millenium copyright act).

@D Israel: maybe there is no such thing as a time "line" but it is rather a time "circle". So what will be is also what was and will be again, we are just one part of a giant loop - our great great great great grandchildren really are our great great great great grandparents.

In my subconscious there are probably dozens of films in there that fit this label. When Pinnochio turned into a donkey was scary as hell. The violent docu-drama flicks like American History X leave me very unsettled, as did the Passion of the Christ.

But the freakiest though are huge monsters that can hide and pop out of nowhere - ones that can somehow sneak into your safe space, then pow, are suddenly huge and intimidating. That's why the trailers for Skyline make it look horrifying.

@drongch: agreed, also when you get to the hotel try simply asking the receptionist if there are any special rates you may qualify for. AAA/CAA, associations, memberships etc. They usually only result in a small discount, but rep is usually more than happy to see you save some.

@brianadkins: it depends how you cost your product, but if at some point someone in a room decides something is going to be $1.99 and something else $2.50 etc well then that is essentially the same thing as faking the numbers.

@BinTom: yeah the TV has that appeal to me too, but I can't justify the $40+ for the basic package, and the ads quickly become tiring (yes I just saw that same tampon commercial 5 minutes ago during the last break, and the break before that and the one before that for the past 2 months). No cable for me.

@Fierock: hmmm, actually I just looked up the participating "mailers" or companies, and it looks like my telephone company is the only one setup for this. It also says to go to the forums to suggest new companies, except when I follow the link it says the forums have been discontinued. Maybe not so good after all :(

@wingman17: wow, thanks for that - I've seen links to epost site before but never took the time to see what it was.

@FrankenPC: aw, c'mon, please just a little? I don't mean neck-breaking G-forces, just enough to change the view! Or else the drive to the park will become more interesting than the actual rides.

Have ride designers forgotten about lateral G forces?

@bobkoure: yep, "good" is very subjective, but atleast if everyone understood what is meant they could understand what they are actually evaluating.

@kellham002: I find that a full thermos stays hot a lot longer than a half-full one - so try completely filling your thermos in the morning, and if that's too much coffee buy a smaller thermos.