
I didn’t realize “Oh, the places you’ll go” had another literal meaning.

So I see she’s already had some coffee.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

But how long was that bird there, that’s the real question. He smooth saw them take that bunny in there three weeks earlier. He thought “I KNOW I saw a rabbit go in there.” He doubted himself. His wife threatened to leave him. His children began ignoring him.

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

That is like saying:

Oh hell, did anyone else have “hey guys blacks had slaves too” on their Missing the Point bingo card or did I just win this thing?

This is gospel, all of it.

That’s a particularly mediocre Tuesday.

Black woman here.....even the white women don’t listen to us. It’s more exhausting than you can imagine.

I’m just glad the lead actress is unambiguously awesome.

This video is somehow both adorable and baffling. Also it made me vaguely attracted to Ed Sheeran, which I did not think was possible.

They’re only here to “put us in our place” and it’s so disgustingly obvious I’m almost embarrassed for they ignorant cracker ass.

Because white people came in, killed a bunch of Africans, stole their land, and never left even after their racist system of apartheid was made illegal on paper. So they still give everything they can to white people there.

I was with you until that last paragraph. I get that white women don’t really like the reminder that when push comes to shove they’re not really as “enlightened” as they think they are and that they like to pretend that the problem of white supremacy isn’t just one of the chicks and side pieces of neo-nazis but is

Read it everyday, hoping for the best. You are correct that they go in on Ivanka - but that’s easy, isn’t it? Showing pics of her stolen shoe designs isn’t risky or challenging anything, right? That’s no different that People.

If you don't wanna be viewed in a specific way, rhen why go on and on about how fair, and rational and well thought out you are? Merely making the claims doesn't mean you actually are any of those things. You perceive yourself as such, bit let your actions speak for you, instead of blocks of text declaring your

That's a lot of words over such a short comment.

I didn't know what you meant, so it wasn't an insult. The only thing I could cross reference was the hive mind reference.