They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

It’s not shitty to acknowledge something that’s inescapably true. Every artist is a human being, human beings have opinions and perspectives, and those perspectives inevitably seep into their work whether they intend a political message or not.

Art is supposed to be about “all that crap.” If it’s not, then it’s just a bunch of noise, with very little consequence. People like Star Wars not just because of the big lasers, but because it actually says something.

I have tried. Oh, how I have tried. I gave them books every year for a while for Christmas and they always ended up in the Goodwill pile. I’m fighting two very difficult parenting philosophies in their mom and my husband. Education is not on mom’s radar, and dad seems to think education is something that happens at

Wouldn’t they be more offended by him being an elite university professor?

Yeah but that may involve history, which isn’t necessarily their strong suit.

Star Wars is the story of a young man who has a religious awakening and goes on a quest to battle the evil empire in an effort to bring back the old ways and Make the Galaxy Great Again. It’s a political message, but not necessarily the political message you want it to be.

Ordering for teen stepdaughters stat.


Sounds like every plane would need a ship’s counselor.

So, he liked the crime bill, but he didn’t like like it?

Oh sweetheart you don’t think the restricting issue is Obama’s physical ability to sign documents do you?

And that Bernie Sanders voted for?

You mean the crime bill that Joe Biden wrote?

Religious organizations are tax-exempt. Religions writ large are not (I don’t even know what that would mean).

The point is the NFL regularly excuses their bad PR decisions by saying, “the rules are the rules.” All of the players involved are in equal violation of the rule. You open yourself up to legal issues by blatantly arbitrarily enforcing the rule.

Oh, friend. It’s just all so sad.

MSNBC reported Bolton will be Tillerson’s deputy. If you’ll excuse me, I need to go drink until I think it’s 2008.

I think your first sentence meant to read that Putin thinks he can manipulate Trump.

Ladies, I’m “new” here. I’ve commented a few times and I’ve been reading Jezebel for years now. I don’t know if this is allowed, and I feel fairly pathetic for even putting it out there.

That’s a flimsy excuse, given that both The Host and Renaissance both premiered in July of 2006.