They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Of course, Hillary is personally responsible for everyone who’s ever died since at least 1990 (except for Osama Bin Laden).

Not the flu, pneumonia. Just enough to make the message clear while maintaining plausible deniability.

Was looking around Barnes and Noble yesterday, and a book called “The South Was Right,” with a big confederate flag on the front, caught my eye. So I went over to look like “Oh, that cover’s just provocative, they can’t possibly mean... oh. They do mean that. Huh.”

This is so realistic I can’t even tell if it’s satire or not.

Every time I shop at Trader Joe’s, the clerk who rings me up gets extremely enthusiastic about something I purchases—like “Oh, that’s the best spaghetti sauce!” or “Oh, I eat this frozen broccoli  every night!”

This is why I liked shopping in the UK— They have this reputation for poor customer service but really what it is is that the woman or man ringing you up doesn’t bother to pretend that they’re excited about it. That’s a lot more comfortable than forced pleasantries.

Baylor fans have proven themselves to be serious challengers to Penn St fans’ title of “Fans Who Just Don’t Fucking Get It.”

What kind of white people bullshit is this.

I agree! Other people liking a show and talking about it completely ruins it for me too. I hate it when people put any thought into the shows they watch.

Ugh, Beyoncé! Stop telling me what to do! You’re not my mother!

I’m pretty embarrassed to admit this, but I was once anti-choice. I was a born-again christian asshole. I spoke at a dinner, there’s video of me at the age of 19 on a christian talk show, marched at an anti-choice event. I do my penance now by giving money every month to Planned Parenthood and having an abortion every

A (very small, comparatively) thing I find odd, is that this guy could be knowledgeable enough to scam his way onto cable news but doesn’t realize it would be incredibly embarrassing to be his age and a campaign fellow.

Same. My mom’s neighbor called last week basically to say, “all she wants to do is lay in bed and eat doritos.” and I’m like, “okay, so I will bring her more doritos. It’s fine.”

Wasn’t a fan when Killer Mike said it, not a fan if it now. Vote for Stein, vote for Clinton or ... other choices, it’s fine. But don’t imply that people voting differently than you are voting irrationally or because they’re being driven by things that aren’t their brains.

Yes, yes, no, and yes.

you may as well just be going with gut instinct based on Silver’s terrible track record since 2008.

You know who else was anti-Silver? William McKinely. Didn’t end too well for him.

i don’t think you know what that is

I can’t think of a legit reason for my boyfriend to have my account and phone passwords. He has his own accounts and phone. Why would he need mine? Absent some actual suspicions about something, why would I demand that he give me his? I don’t believe that just because I’m part of a couple, I have to give up all

I had a boyfriend for three years who was so smart and funny and had such great ambition...but he could never seem to get himself out of debt. I didn’t understand because he had a really high-paying job and was extremely responsible (on the surface), so I chalked it up to him maybe supporting his parents or something?