They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

It’s an insult to cats everywhere.

No, actually he is. He stood by and let a PAC go after John Kerry on something that was pretty much BS. He could have called them out on it and said, “hey, the people running these Swiftboat ads are not part of my campaign but as a fellow veteran I think that this crosses a line, I don’t endorse it and I want you to

The John McCain who endured what he did in the POW camp so long ago, would look at the current man with rage and shame. Every principle he ever stood for has been sold out since 2008 because he is terrified at the thought of losing power. People change. Now he is just a pathetic, bitter, coward.

To be fair, Mark Kirk pulled his endorsement in June when he attacked Judge Curiel.

I ALMOST feel bad for him. But then I remember everything else about him.

Scott Baio is firmly in the “Yeah, bro!” category.

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.

Oh, Ted Cruz. Just when you thought your humiliation was over, things get even worse. You deserve it.

Probably “ice queen” Barbara. Have you ever read Al Franken’s book “Lying Liars”? She always seemed like the most vindictive Bush.

Pussycat Dome!

Make America Grope Again.

child the daily show’s been on since 96.

Fahrenhold better get ALL the Pulitzers.

As a Black woman, it always weirds me out when people say things like this, as I experience, see, read, and hear about people being openly racist to people who look like me every day, and know firsthand how strong anti-Black racism is in many Asian communities. This idea that other POC and some white people have that


Baseball announcer by night, Frenchman losing his shit bidet.

That’s called projecting.

Catholic Relief Services

This is such an incredibly stupid thing to say. And, you had the nerve to bring up the Indian thing, at all, and then go on to make a weak-ass case on top of it.