They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

No, you are just a racist piece of garbage.

Hi Matt.

I’m really conflicted about this. I think mandatory sentences are generally a terrible idea. I also think judges are going to continue to treat sexual assault as a harmless little non-crime in which the perpetrators are the true victims as long as they’re legally allowed to do so. I’m honestly not sure which is the

If it weren’t for traditional Chinese medicine we would still have dragons!

In 2012, in Pemba Mozambique, I helped rescue a pangolin from the black market! (that’s me and him/her).

Also, fuck all men who treat women as prizes to be fought over and won. And fuck everyone who cheers on this barbaric behavior.

Want to know what’s killing the country? The fact that “fact” means whatever the fuck we decide it means.

Trump is Quark without any of the positive aspects.

But only one is slut-shaming and fat-shaming private citizens at 4:30 in the morning.

First paragraph, last sentence.

It’s going to be so uncomfortable when Laurie sees Ryan at the Dancing with the Stars taping on Monday and he has to be gracious and say, “Wow, how was it?” And she has to say, “You didn’t miss anything” even though he clearly missed a LOT.

It isn’t nice.

Every treacly tweet cuts another year off how long they will be together.

Maybe I’m cynical, but these are the Twitter equivalent of getting a tattoo of your boo’s name. Bad juju all around.


Gina Rodriguez is that social media friend who won’t stop gushing about her “King”, then 3 months later cross posts a cryptic message from Instagram like

Ya know, this sort of thinking is exactly why British actors of color feel as though they have to come to the US to even get work. This idea that “English” is equivalent to white is the problem, so that doesn’t even remotely excuse his lack of diversity, especially since he’s a nerd from Los Angeles County.

mediocre, white people movies

What the fuck kind of clueless and irrelevant comment is this? Get the fuck outta here.