They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Fuck him.

So he became Hemsworth the greater by eating all the others?

Waiter, this take is lukewarm, can you take this to the back and heat it up, I like my takes HOT

i didnt like the movie at all

RG3 made the same excuse about his Wounded Knee

Boo for this apostrophe, Patrick. Boo.

Who’s this “everyone” you speak of? You can Google and find plenty of articles critiquing DBC for that decision. Jez even links to several of them.

And that movie was so full of shit and sanitized beyond all get out, that I can’t believe it got all of the accolades it got.

There were plenty of people who weren’t okay with it and thought it was a missed opportunity to elevate the voice of an actual trans actor. But yeah, overall it was a movie that tried its best to be empathetic...which doesn’t seem to be the case here.

A lot of people were not ok with him playing the part and were not ok with the performance. Just because he got awards does not mean trans people and allies signed off on it.

It actually is like taking cough syrup. Any OTC medication has risks, and some people are affected more than others. Tylenol is an incredibly dangerous drug if not taken properly, as is cough syrup, which people often mix with other cold medications and wind up overdosing on tylenol or other ingredients without

My doctor put me on one brand, it made me nuts, I called, she switched the scrip to another brand. Nothing was delicately tuned to my body. When I asked for the seasonique one she said “okay sure.” Didn’t even require a visit. I think you are vastly overestimating this.

I don’t know if you’ve heard of this profession where people obtain a PhD in pharmacological science. Those who practice it are called pharmacists (chemists in the UK or if you’re 90 years old). They are extremely knowledgeable and very good at explaining this sort of thing.

That’s why pharmacists go to pharmacy school. And why many become Pharm.Ds.

Is there a reason you think that you would know better than the entire American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists? I’m pretty sure they’ve probably thought of the risks. Even if the pill is free, a doctors visit is an impediment for lots of people because of cost, time, transportation, etc. The experts agree

For what it’s worth, I’ve found that many pharmacists are more up to speed on drug interactions, new medicines, and -don’t tell doctors this- are pretty decent primary care professionals. I live in an area that has a shortage of doctors, and people use the local pharmacist as much as their GPs.

wait...what? do you mean 11 days? or are you saying your grandmother was pregnant for 12 months?

Gimme a break, Nell Carter! I’m all alone here!

It is pretty messed up that they would air the documentary without his consent.