They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Maybe you should learn to read URLs better.


He just wanted a safe space, goddammit.

This is brutal and hilarious.


I think (and I can’t find it now, so grain of salt) that NBC and CNN started sending security with their Trump embeds a few weeks ago.

He was AMERICA’s dad.

That’s what you think. Just wait till Mr. Robot season 3.

Everyone gets to use “I got hacked” as an excuse except for the actual people who got hacked.

Yeah, you definitely have to start at the top in order to become a relevant political force. That’s why the Tea Party is languishing in obscurity and didn’t successfully eat the GOP alive from within in just eight years.

MAN did I get some laughs out of your back and forth with the bro. I’m so sad he (definitely HE, right?) stopped engaging.

I want to believe that Lindsay Graham is as mean to Ted Cruz in person as he is on tv. I’d watch a reality show of that.

But they also sign a contract that caps that overtime pay, so. . .?

I forgot how to love after my shelter pup died. She wasn’t a good dog. She was the best dog.

This is like when the President says he doesn’t want to be known as the Drone President, and then drones more people.

I’m a Nationals fan and it still hurts to even see Clayton fucking Kershaw’s name written.

Yeah, it’s weird to me that he tells the story that everyone thought it was SO GREAT and AMAZING, which watching the performance, it seemed a little more. . . laughing at and not entirely with.

Go cautiously. Many of them have warped sound, which will be displeasing to your ears and MAY make you love it less OR SO I’VE HEARD, I WOULDN’T KNOW.

If you think this about holding Hillary up as a great candidate, you aren’t paying attention. It’s really not about Hillary at all. It’s about Joe’s failures as a candidate. You know one of the reasons Obama pressured him so hard not to run? He thought he would come in a distant third in a primary.

You’re right, she totally killed Vince Foster and intentionally left Chris Stevens to die.