One of the weirdest policy-related things about this election is everyone’s race to be more anti-trade.
One of the weirdest policy-related things about this election is everyone’s race to be more anti-trade.
I’m choosing to believe that this came from another member of the Bush family, who are perfectly happy to sacrifice Billy’s career to hurt Trump.
You’re from the exurbs, aren’t you?
To be fair, he did think he was in the clear (“I’m taking off my HUD hat,”) and who among us hasn’t violated the Hatch Act?
Don’t get me wrong, I like the Secretary quite a bit. But you’ll notice Tabby didn’t come back to tell any of us what specifically makes Castro a knock-out choice; she certainly didn’t come back to highlight anything he’s done in his career, like lead a referendum in San Antonio to expand pre-k and pre-fund it with a…
I keep seeing people say this, but what can you tell me about Julian Castro other than his current cabinet position and his ethnicity?
NPR got rid of comments in August, so no, people aren’t commenting there with real names.
It’s way easier to judge identity politics. Oh, was this written by an abused teenaged runaway who was trafficked, took over the gang, forged and lost a drug empire, and now lives in a yurt on their nature reserve? What a moving piece of work! This is truly deep!
Nat Turner’s bible is on display at the brand new National Museum of African American History and Culture. It’s remarkable--the bible and the museum both.
But if it means more Idris Elba for America, which will love and treasure him as he deserves. . .
How. Dare. You.
She and Laura are apparently much closer to the “friends” side than the “acquaintances” side of the spectrum, so it wouldn’t actually shock me if she felt warm-ish toward GWB..
I wish they’d credit David Fahrenthold directly for this work. I know it’s minor, but the amount of sheer legwork he’s done deserves more than “Washington Post reporter.”
Goddammit, never mind, shouldda kept reading.
I respect their right to have freedom of speech. However, in certain organizations and certain jobs you give up that right of your freedom of speech temporary [sic] while you serve that job or while you play in an NFL game.
But didn’t they read David Brooks’s column?!
(From the incomparable Trump Leaks. If you’re not reading them, you’re missing out.)
Oh, I didn’t know scientists could quantify character these days.
What the fuck are you talking about? The chinaman is not the issue here, Dude. I’m talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.
You guys should listen to more NPR. You would have been way ahead of the NYT curve, and you’d know that Matteo Renzi was basically like, “Oh fuck no, this is a terrible idea and I know what terrible ideas look like, I’ve met Berlusconi several times.”