They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Also it’s 2016 and they still think it’s acceptable to have a store named Banana Republic.

I have friends who mutually agreed that she would keep her last name. Her reasoning was the bureaucratic hassle of it all, and his reaction was that he fell in love with Elizabeth Smith—that name is part of her identity, and why would he ask her to change any part of it?

I’ll extend some modicum of leeway in her direction and say that 1) I’d wager that at least half of America doesn’t know what Super Tuesday is, and 2) she lives in California, right? So it’s not like it’s even her primary day.

Even that version pre-dates his death but is still fake as hell.

Cocaine’s a hell of a drug.

Exactly two of those bartenders can now afford to see Hamilton.

Can I just blame kinda for the impossible-t0-follow threads and apologize for piling on?

Dude, Renner is a veritable font of stupid quotations. Literally every interview he gives has something gross or dumb in it.

Rich people. They literally created a problem from nothing.

I’d like you to show me where you think I advocated for criminalizing prostitution.

flawless username, obvi.

I think this is excellent. You did a far better job than I did of articulating my concerns.

I’d love to see what you think reinforcing an educated female population in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan circa 2000 would have looked like. Would we have delivered our chosen activists directly to the soccer stadiums for stoning or still let the authorities round them up for fun?

Indeed. And in Iraq as well. (And Iran, not for nothing.)

Here’s my problem with it:

It’s not. She’s an inspirational, bright child, but she’s still a child. That’s a child’s statement with no reasoning or depth behind it.

Of course they do. Do you not agree that those are risk factors that contribute someone’s marginalization and exploitation under almost any circumstances, not just the sex trade?

Everyone wants to yell at me about punishing women, but I think if you actually read what I wrote, I never said I was in favor of (continuing) the criminalization of sex trade.

I don’t think it should be criminalized either!!!!!