They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

There’s kind of a fucked up history with women, pantsuits, and politics. The whole feminine/masculine dichotomy for one, but also. . .women weren’t even allowed to wear them on the floor of the Senate until 1993 (!!!)

The women she didn’t invite to the party when she created this office?

No, I don’t think he’s adopted the party standard in the slightest, but I don’t think that makes it less cynical. He knows he has to be a Democrat to have a shot at winning. So now he’s a Democrat, even though he’s not, in any way other than in name. So he’s got a long and distinguished political career, but we don’t

You don’t think it’s the same sort of cynical move you’re accusing McKesson of? The analogy is far from perfect, but I’m not trolling here. An outsider who has made his career out of criticizing something, all of a sudden wants to join that very same thing?

Worth noting, as well, is that I’d harbor the same skepticism if some white dude stepped up and was like, “I’m the Occupy Wall Street candidate for Mayor of such-and-such, but I’m running as a Democrat.”

Do you have a source for this graphic, please?

I think you run in a great crowd! I, unfortunately, run an asshole crowd, so I see this a lot. It’s incredibly demoralizing.

It’s hard to tell sometimes why Clinton supporters might be on edge around Sanders supporters.

You misunderstand me. I think a draft is strongly unlikely, but not impossible. I think a draft due to a war with ISIS is sheer lunacy.

Oh, no no no. I didn’t see it. I only know about it because of the Nationals tie-in. That was a dark time for Nats fans, and a movie seemed like a good idea. Little did we know.

And How Do You Know.

I’m just having one hell of a time with your logic. We went to actual war with al Qaeda. IS has killed, what, a dozen Americans? None of whom were put in cages and set on fire. Why on earth do you think they pose a bigger threat? Your perspective is all out of whack here. There aren’t enough people in ISIS to require

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty. Fucking preach.

You think the draft would come back if we had a war with ISIS? The way the draft came back when we had a war with al Qaeda?

I feel like they expect women all over the country to clutch their pearls as they loudly gasp, “No!” and fall upon their fainting couches, when really most people will be like, “Yup, sounds fair, you gonna mail that to me, or. . . ?”

Yeah, global is a poor metric. It’s really US/Canada/UK, with a smattering of French/Australian/New Zealand. I also certainly don’t mean to diminish the underrepresentation of Latino and Asian actors. Ugh, fucking Hollywood. As Ava Duvernay said, we all deserve icons in our own image.

Yes, but the Oscars don’t just draw from the US population, do they? Non-American (but still white) actors, directors, producers win Oscars all the time. How does that chart look when compared to the global population?