They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Ah, thank you for translating that into Stupid for me!

This is a very interesting explanation! It looks like different from what Musk is saying here, which is that velocity is the more important issue.

Look, I’m with you. I agree! What’s infuriating is that some* Sanders supporters constantly ask for the benefit of the doubt when they never give it to Hillary. Bernie wants to change his mind on gun control? Great. He gets to be high minded and flexible. Hillary changes her mind on Keystone? She’s craven, or

This may be a very stupid question, but. . .what’s the value of a sea landing versus a ground landing?

The Brazilian economy as a whole, really. The Rio Olympics start in 200 days. Obviously the Games themselves are so far down on the list of priorities that they’re almost not worth talking about, but the economic consequences of the disease itself and the travel warning on top of it, coupled with Games. . . what a

I felt like I was watching Patricia Arquette all over again.

His jaw was so clenchy, but goddamn, that movie created a lot of feelings in me. Mostly rage.

There seems to be a pretty disconcerting pattern of various minority groups scrabbling for importance by denigrating other minority groups.

The oldest one is “acting” one E!’s first scripted show.

It’s not that it’s biased, it’s that it’s not honest about its bias.

Then you should know better than to believe this “change the political landscape” bullshit that you’re spouting. Honest to God, tell me one way he’s done that that Obama didn’t do 8 years ago or that Elizabeth Warren hasn’t done in the last 4 years. Here’s how I know he doesn’t have a chance of winning the nomination:

Oh, God. I’m so old that I remember when Obama was the candidate for good and change.

I bet the fire in those eyes could melt steel beams.

Well, if he’s confident.

This is goddamn pipe dream and you know. A Sanders/Warren ticket wins New England and the Pacific Northwest and MAYBE parts of the Mid-Atlantic. Goodbye, Ohio and Virginia. Farewell, Florida. Pennsylvania, we hardly knew ye.

It. Isn’t. Going. To. Be. Trump. This is not 2008. If Dems nominate Sanders, they will lose all undecideds to the GOP. This country is not as liberal as you think it is.

Sample size of three are you fucking kidding me.

Great! So you were in high school the first time around. You didn’t see the actual game change that accompanied Obama’s first election? What Sanders has is nothing compared to that. It’s peanuts.

If you’re a college student, this is basically the first election you’ve been politically conscious for. Of course people weren’t that excited to re-elect an incumbent Obama and you were, what, 8 years old when Obama ran the first time? Not to sound dismissive, but “I’ve never seen” from a college student it a

Because Bernie WILL NOT WIN a general election. He won’t. Stop believing that he has a snowball’s chance in hell of doing that. PP is looking at the long game. The GOP will get their shit together and throw up Rubio or the Canadian wonder, either of whom would eat Bernie alive.