They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

She didn't sign up to be constantly at the beck and call of these assholes.

She signed on to star in movies, and she is likely contractually obligated to attend premiers. Where photographers take pictures. So, yes, she did.

I find the foot-stomping to be obnoxious. I find her flicking off the media room at the Oscars to be rude. I apologize for conflating them.

Yeah, I get that. I know that a lot of people find her endearing and funny, and find everything she does to be the most charming, but I mostly find her rude and obnoxious. I don't watch videos of her and go, "Oh my GOD, she's hilarious." I think, "Christ, I would never want to hang out with her in real life."

Well, one, I'm not sure why you're yelling at me now if you find it rude and upsetting, but whatever.

I dunno. Of all the shitty things associated with fame, this is the one that she literally signed up for. Is it annoying? Probably. Is it in her actual job description? Yes.

If I didn't know anything else about Courtney Love, I would find her EXTREMELY endearing from that exchange.

They said the same thing about Nats Park, and yet. . .

Wait, this is fascinating to me. How did you learn about it if it was in secret?!

Clicking through from there, KlearGear has protected their tweets. That's a normal thing for a business, right?

Yeah, buuuuuuut I read Joseph Anton and apparently Padma's bats hit, sooooo. . . .

U-S-A. U-S-A. U-S-A.


He drops a "Hey, girl." How is that anything but awesome?

Especially in that last episode, I really felt like Joe had just decided that Alexander was the better chef and wouldn't hear any criticism of him, and that's why Alexander won. "But Dara's was more technical." "I don't care, it's Alexander."

I THOROUGHLY enjoyed this show, and I hope they do more seasons. Gordon was so endearing! The kids worked so hard! It felt just as competitive as adult version, but let douchey.

I'm jealous of her collarbones. Is that weird? Never mind, I don't even care.

Great minds!
