Fiendish Dr. Wu

Are we still doing "Phrasing"?

"Karl Malone was an upstanding role model of the African-American community. He always wore his pants above his knees and takes a nickname from the hard working members of the United States Postal Service"

Yes, they are the twins from 22 Jump Street

Oh she was already plenty entertained by the members of ICP, so JOKE'S ON YOU!

Well what were you doing at The Gathering of the Juggalos?

I love Catch-22. I actually think that it is a better overall film than MASH. I had every anticipation that I would not like Catch-22 since I didn't think any film could do one of my favorite books justice. However, I was pleasantly blown away by Nichol's take which I think had a much better balance of seriousness

I saw him on his standup tour a few days after the stuff all blew up on the internet.
He never mentioned Cosby directly by name but he made jokes about that being the worst way he could get ahead in comedy, in response to the people claiming he only said anything to get attention and advance his career.
You could

I think a lot of that is due to the fact that the vast majority of the people who are complaining about the sound have no clue the differences among mids and treble and bass.