Fiendish Dr. Wu

Cook the corn in bacon fat and lightly salt. The bacon gives its own natural flavor and no longer needs butter or any other flavoring.

“uhhhh... lotta cats have that name...”

If you ever see me fighting in the forest with a grizzly bear, HELP THE BEAR!

The film is pretty good. It's really harsh and leans a bit too melodramatic at times, especially in the early scenes before the quarantine, but it definitely captured the bleakness of the book. I'd much rather re-read the book again though. Something about the constant despair and depravity reads better than it

Well it's the only way that they can be included on RottenTomatoes and Metacritic for TV season grades, which bring more views to the website

Ah, I remember when I was n X 12. Those were the days…

In Secret Life of Pets, there is even a bus on the bridge (within the movie) that has an ad for Sing plastered on the sides. I've never seen such blatant cash-grabbing "synergy" in my life. I almost had to admire the lack of shame…almost.

Passing Strange. But I agree, great stuff.

He still has to work fast food, even with that sweet Diet Dr. Pepper money??

No I completely understand what you meant. I was simply making a joke about the way it was worded and intentionally misreading it. Apparently an unsuccessful attempt.

Now I'm as big of a fan of WHAS as any, but I think suggesting that he hurl himself from said window may be a bit extreme…

Kinda? Doesn't Darth have some connotation of a leader of some sort though? (I'm not the most knowledgeable about Star Wars)

They're part of a crew called A$AP Mob, founded by the late A$AP Yams. It just denotes their group (A$AP Twelvy, A$AP Nast, A$AP Ant are also a part of the group). They pretty much always use the second name to identify (Ferg, Rocky, Nast).

That WALL-E impression was painful. And also somehow managed to give away the answer, despite sounding absolutely nothing like the character. I don't understand how he decides to use a voice in the clues. Like the Tarzan category makes sense for a voice, but the WALL-E clue would've been much better off without it,

*Cut to Peter Griffin snapping along with the other members of a Taiwanese version of the Jets and Sharks*

Pam Beesly?!?

Way to bury the lede. Chappie is here, everybody!!! …..Everybody??…

Maybe I'm just willfully overlooking the Iraq invasion parallels, but I've never really thought that interpretation really fit in with the movie as I saw it. Maybe I'm justifying things because I really liked it for what it was at the time as a dumb youngin' when I didn't read much past the surface level of a movie.

Fair enough. This movie probably just holds a bit of a special spot in my memory because it actually did lead to further research on a subject that I otherwise never would have learned. But I totally can understand that sentiment.

Obviously I don't think simply watching this movie should be the end of the discussion about this story. I just mean that it gets people interested in the subject so that they can dive further into that story and the events around it. I know many (likely most) won't do this, but I know it certainly piqued my interest