
'Waiting for the Sun' by The Doors isn't on the album 'Waiting for the Sun', but the next one, 'Morrison Hotel'. Maybe the lyrics needed a bit more work

"Please do not offer my God a peanut"

Cue VH1 voiceover: "Southern women showing their inner strength paved the way for the Riot Grrrl movement of the early 90s, the meteoric rise of Elle Degeneres and today's female soccer teams…"

Almeria Alcazaba is probably the Citadel, so Sam's story, books and candles and whatnot.

Did you send those thousand roses to Bea Arthur's grave?

Don't you ruin another Love Day!

Curious lack of food in this show, nobody seems to eat. Makes you wonder how Kublai Khan became such a portly gentleman.

Our unabashed dictionary defines IUD as `love springs internal'

Homer and Smithers could have bonded over their love for 'It's Raining Men'.

Well, Wikipedia didn't say it wasn't her!