
I’m with you. I’m from N.C. and our flag looks like half the flags around the world.

I can tell you the answer. I’ve had gender-neutral burners on Gawkers, and feminine ones. I hadn’t been using my first feminine one long before one poster chimed in with “I hope your daughter’s fat and drowns in semen during her first bukkake video.” This was on a news story about which I’d said nothing inflammatory.

SHHHH! Don’t tell anybody our secret!

THAT is what you took away from John Oliver’s segment? :0

Wait, hardcore gamers say shitty things about women online?

Thrift store buying is best buying.

I’m stunned he didn’t go for “shrill.”

I think when someone (else, obviously) has decided they’ve won the gold in the Oppression Olympics, it usually does not evolve much from there. Sadly.

It’s a reasonable question, Stella Fisher. You can have problems with the way Caitlyn Jenner presents herself and not be a TERF.

Anna, Anna, Anna, oh my Lord, Anna, I know this is an old post but I am an old and I cannot thank you enough for steering me to that Prancercise link.

Can you wear a white Bettina gown when renewing your vows? (Asking for a friend. ;)

This is a young person’s garment. I wore rompers as a teen-ager, and as the old fashion adage goes: If you were old enough to wear it the first time, you should probably avoid it the second time. (Also, I’m down with you on the pee issue. It looks as if you have to wrestle an alligator when it’s time to wee. No

I should amend my comment to say he the problems arose because he was sleeping undergraduates in his classes, but his amorous interests were not limited to his own department. For clarity, I am not a fan of a college professor sleeping with an undergraduates.

In general, I do agree with you that it is better to provide options than take them away.

We all do.

Sorry! I was reading about why Chris Brown is “Konfuzed,” when I saw your message. (I freely cop to hate-reading anything about Chris Brown.)

If there were no power dynamic at play, women and men should certainly have free agency. But there is a power dynamic at play, which Professor Kipnis pretends does not exist. Her essay opens her up to the kinds of questions (I, personally) hate: “Oh, you slept with a lot of people who supervised your work? Is that why

Am I the only one laughing because the ad at the bottom of this story is for floor cleaner?


That’s a more nuanced question. Honestly, I need time to think about that, and I am in no way trying to brush you off.