
I am embarrassed to say that I did not understand that this is how our tax code worked. I am absolutely old enough to have known better.

Thank you for this article. I am so sorry you went through that. It is fantastic to hear a story of someone’s faith on Gawker.

I very much relate to your life. My son made it to mid-credits Wasp scene, then he was off like a rocket.

Mega-bonus points for posting an MST3k clip, friend.

This is humiliating.

Mr. Burneko, you are under-rated.

This is the best interpretation of the second-season “Penny Dreadful” finale I have read anywhere. That final graphic is fantastic.

I am still old enough to own a lot of old music on CD.

Drew, I do not know how you will react to this news since your children are very young, but as the mother of two young men, it seems mutual oral sexxin’ is the way prom nights end with most cool kids.

While I am not hugely familiar with Neopets, it’s probably a stretch to believe anyone posting, “HAIL SATAN” is sincerely offering a Neopets thread for wee Satanists, instead of just being your standard-issue troll trying to upset kids for the lulz.

I would defs NOT want to be in a cage match with Megyn Kelly.

Brooks all the way, baby!

I know everyone says “Nordstrom’s!”, but the secret is Nordstrom’s online. Returns are free, or you can return them in-store for immediate credit back to your card, and they have tons of options in wides. Nordstrom’s online saved me on my last trip to NYC, for walking sandals with a heel that weren’t hella fugly. But

Public Service Announcement: For all dudes who insist on wearing flip-flops in public, please, in the name of all that is holy, trim and clean your toenails.

Bobby? Julianne? I clicked on this expecting not to like it. I could not imagine enjoying an album named “Anus,” because, well... I just didn’t. I thought it would be scatological and nihilistic.

I love your sparkly kitchen!

You get all the stars.

Your cat should have his own show on TLC.

Thank you for researching this. I had never seen the Confederate flag for N.C.

I loved that dude WHILE I was watching Boardwalk Empire.