It's down and dirty…so that makes it better. Hmm…
It's down and dirty…so that makes it better. Hmm…
Manufactured conflict…methinks.
President Business….I mean c'mon!
Is that whiskey bottles behind her? :)
No argument there. If it's Batman vs a nemesis (like the Riddler). Sure, that could be intriguing.
But is going to be just that? This was supposed to be Batman v Superman, but in the end, it ended up being Wonder Woman, a backstory of Lex Luther, and a needless use of Lois Lane.
The studio meddled in the second one….so bad that Whedon quit the franchise.
The film studios have changed. Gone are the days of film school graduates running key positions, and now it's MBAs. Sad…but tis what it is.
Well, hopefully. The problem is that if the movie studio likes the returns, and now that Snyder has two movies under his belt, it might not want to shift directors for fear of losing the "tone" of the first two films.
Well, rumor has it that Eisenberg is "coked" for his role…so yeah. :)
Wow. Never thought of that. Just furthers the idea.
Wait for Suicide Squad or maybe Sausage Party… least that's what I'm thinking.
In that vein….yes. But, I should add that I found Argo to be more than just historical drama, but a deeper commentary on Hollywood.
Yeah, it really depends on Snyder. Maybe, just maybe, if Affleck got another director…the film could be much better.
Maybe….but I think a historical drama would be something he would excel at doing.
It's funny and sad—all mashed up into one, great video.
Affleck needs to go back to strictly directing. I would enjoy him doing a really good historical drama, like Manhunt. Manhunt was a book written by James L Swanson about the hunt, search, and capture of John Wilkes Booth after the assassination of Lincoln. It's gripping and suspenseful, and he could get the chance to…
No, not Texas….Ottawa Illinois. That's the Heartland.
I hope not. However, I think Tarzan could be a complete dud. I will admit, though, to not knowing what upcoming projects she has slated for 2017.
I disagree….but it would be very limited.