



But I’m just grooowwwing oollllddddddddddd.

Pretty good list! Glad to see Cache on there. I first saw it in ‘06. Haneke has such a command of his material. It really did blow my mind.

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Found this video (never knew it existed) ten(!) years back on YouTube, which wasn’t even a year old yet.

Quite cray when you do think about it(!)

Good stuff once again, Sarah!

Came here to post the same thang (albeit a live version). Tremendous!

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Good call, Tim! One of my fav albums ever (I have “Not Great Men” even tattooed on me). Actually I’m going to see them in Oct. Gonna be some joy to see Gill play that guitar live.


Those who have been to Roscoe’s may know the deliciousness of this -

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Always luuuuuved how Lou’s voice sounded on Loaded. Also good call on Coheed w/Claudio’s voice.

Found a pair of these at Miller’s Outpost(!) back in the 5th grade at their peak - on clearance! - you best believe I wore this twice a week to school.