Fido Brown

The producers said they would take some time to do some research and rethink. Production on the sequel was supposed to be starting now (and, obviously, that's not happening) with the movie being released May 2017. The film is not being made currently, so yes, Paramount have pulled it from the schedule. It doesn't mean

Thomas & Friends has its own category for nightmare fuel. Henry in the tunnel is a surprising choice - there are many, worse examples I can think of. 'Ghost Train' & Boulder to name just two.

Well said. My thoughts exactly.

I think the reason some of these books worked, as with the horror genre as a whole, is that the idea of the monster lurking on the edges of the action sometimes strikes harder, as opposed to a direct in-your-face attack.

Which one was that?

Finally! I've been looking forward to this movie for years. :D

I love the Dante's Inferno game. I remember seeing the trailer for it 10pm at night - and being outside the game shop waiting for it to open the next morning so I could get that game.

Are we not going to discuss what the heck happened while Locke was on that sub?! That is the question I'm most disappointed we didn't get an answer to - especially as Damon & Carlton gave interviews hinting that we should be wondering about it. My guess is that the Smoke Monster tried to stop him and smacked him into

I read the story recently and wondered why no one had made something of this. I'm hoping it'll be good.

I want to see the story of the cemetery in Nebraska with the golden tombstone…that sounds awesome!

I want to see the story of the cemetery in Nebraska with the golden tombstone…that sounds awesome!

I'd hoped to find a link to it on YouTube, but I can't. :( There's a small scene which shows how the smarter, self-confident Shannon was behaved towards by some adulterous jerk and very cleanly shows how this kind of attention she got from men like that (and being talked down to by her step-mother) helped turn her

There are deleted flashback scenes from Abandoned which, for me at least, explain why Shannon is who she appears to be on the Island…and I hate that they got removed from the finished episode.

Personally, I think the opening scene with Rick trapped in the tank should have been the opening of the first episode. It would've been much more jarring, the viewer would be totally unaware of the situation outside of the tank (being described on the radio) and everything that happened in the pilot could've been told