The cheating was what caught people’s eye. She did way worse shit than that, like ruin companies and abuse people severely.
The cheating was what caught people’s eye. She did way worse shit than that, like ruin companies and abuse people severely.
Gamergate were the ones trying to explain to everyone that the reference was obviously a joke on Watergate. I looked through the trending tag on twitter the other day, a whole bunch of random people were laughing at GGers for thinking it had anything to do with the Watergate scandal. Zoe Quinn was the one making the…
Then maybe the editors of Gawker should’ve thought better before outing people as gay and putting private videos of people having sex on their website up for everyone to see. You can’t treat them as innocent in this, and if the bankruptcy ends with hundreds of people on the street then the blame is on the editors who…
A more accurate statement would be:
Peter Theil? You mean that guy whose privacy Gawker invaded when they outed him as gay? Yeah, that guy’s definitely got no good reason to have a beef with you all.
I don’t understand how does a billionaire assault you and precipitate a bankruptcy?
No no, the courts found Gawker legally responsible for their own actions, not Thiel
Yep, crazy how they are trying to turn the thing in David vs Golia with the evil rich guy wanting to shut down free press... Real story is that the shitty rich person is the head of gawker media who tried to make money in journalism knowing nothing of ethics and real life laws. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD ! (by the way…
I can only assume that you’re referring to Thiel as petty. I’m not sure I would agree there. I mean, outing someone as gay is a pretty big invasion of privacy. I’d be pissed too if some aspect of my personal life was made public.
I wouldn’t use petty to describe Thiel, I’d say he’s calculating.
And why shouldn’t he be thrilled with the news, it is what he wanted. And don’t act like Gawker is without blame. If outing someone as gay isn’t a total invasion of privacy, I’m not sure what is.
This explains it in detail -…
TL;DR- Gawker outed a very rich guy as gay nearly 10 years ago. He held on to a grudge and when the opportunity arose (Hulk Hogan sex tape) he pounced by financing Hogan’s lawsuit against Gawker.
Will there be a Photoshop Contest about today’s announcement?
“This was due to an unprecedented legal assault financed in secret by Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel.”
I disagree. If Gawker hadn’t been so hell-bent on acting shitty, there wouldn’t have been a reason for them to be sued in the first place (nor would they have even been on Peter Thiel’s radar). They went around treating people poorly, and now they act shocked when it comes back to bite them. Zero sympathy over here.
Kotaku isn’t exactly innocent either. None of the Gawker sites are. Kotaku played the victim over that “blacklisting” from Ubisoft and Bethesda but they failed to acknowledge that those leaks they posted literally ruined the jobs of dozens of people that worked hard on those reveals. Big game reveals don’t just…
Never doubt Gawker’s ability to claim the moral high horse even when they’re clearly in the wrong. If the jury that awarded Hogan punitive damages consisted of the entire population of the United States, they’d still blame an assault by rich people for losing the case.
That said, I don’t blame Kotaku or the other…
Womp womp. Gawker brought this on themselves, multiple times. Most recently with their two letters saying basically they were being bullied, when they are the bullies.
It was a legal assault due entirely to the fact that Gawker screwed over two multi-millionaires in morally repugnant ways and somehow didn’t consider the potential consequences.
This response is almost identical to Deadspin’s. It’s almost like you were all instructed to give this reassuring comment in case people start fleeing to soon.