oh who the fuck cares
oh who the fuck cares
He’d talk the entire time about himself and never ask you anything and then he’d sneak out and leave you with the tab.
The problem with Trevor is that the show didn’t change at all, and now he’s just a mouthpiece for Stewart’s old writers. Stewart worked because he had the perspective necessary from living through the last 15 years of politics in this country to add some depth to the humor, and to make insightful points and commentary…
The Thunder will lose to the Warriors, who will beat, oh who the fuck cares, in the Finals.
The NBA regular season just doesn’t do much for me. I also routinely ignore baseball before the All-Star break. Really, regular seasons are grinds and only somewhat matter because of the playoffs. Even football could go back to 14 games and I’d be cool with it (the owners, naturally would not).
NFL football
Football sucks
The Daily Show hasn’t been THE DAILY SHOW since the Bush presidency. That’s not to say it didn’t have great characters or bits or incisive characters, but I think a lot of its charm in the latter Stewart years was nostalgia.
Except it worked fine with Oliver(and still does, essentially). Noah was just the wrong guy for the job.
How long before I can fairly conclude that Trevor Noah sucks as host of the Daily Show? Like, is the honeymoon over? Can we talk about this now or is it too soon?
Well, personally, I feel like this album sounds very unfinished—but I mean that in a good way.
It’s weird because they gave him grey hair as if he was older, but everything else about him still looked young. Was jarring.
Because the Nets exist.
I’ve seen a lot of NBA writers state that some team is going to offer Howard a max contract as if it is just obviously true. The question is, why? His usage is way down, he’s no longer a defensive terror, and he’s still limited in the type of offensive sets he can play in. Who wants to pay Dwight $30 million per year…
You aren’t in the minority. That’s a big part of the reason why Dwight is still in Houston.
When a generally disliked, broken-down Rocket starts to incessantly finger point and place the blame on anybody other than himself, normally the next step is to make sure he never gets to Cooperstown.
start furiously sending winks on match.com to every woman under retirement age
If you go out in a silk shirt, you can’t be surprised when you go home alone.
I’ve really come to hate the NBA trading deadline for the way it disappoints me with all of its bullshit, do-nothing trades.
Trump talkin’ ‘bout immigrants.