
AMEN to that. This album is INSANELY good.

It's EXTRAORDINARY. On my third listen and it just keeps getting better.

Don't you mean GORZA?

There's a documentary out now about them - but I think that bio project died on the vine - probably due to Lucas and Spielberg nixing it on copyright grounds. Who knows.

The same effect was used in "The Road Warrior" many times.

Nah - just people who might want to contribute money to the artists who made the music - and the filmmaker - instead of ripping them off; and/or people who actually like owning things that they can physically touch - or who know the difference between a compressed mp3 file and a physical album playing on a stereo

"Penultimate episode"? There were only 11 weren't there?

How in the hell are "Birdman" and "Nightcrawler" not on this list?

That final shot is fucking brilliant.

Agree with everything but "Devil's Knot" and "A Million Ways to Die in the West" - the first may have been superfluous after the doc's - but it was actually a decent drama; nothing brilliant - but it held my interest and had some troubling images and was well-acted. The second made me laugh more than once - there are

It would have been cool for them to have done this super lo-fi - with an 8-track in a shack somewhere; doing it in a shiny studio kind of defeats the whole vibe of the project.