Fiddly Dee

I think the money ruined her. Go watch her two specials from the 90’s and 00’s and then go watch the most recent one from a few years ago and whew the humor just is very elitist and luxuriates in being imperious and pretentious. Total shift from the early stuff. 

Hey, Tree House! That’s where my ex-husband and I got all our cats and where my current baby here in Sweden with me is from. Love that place!

Hey, Tree House! That’s where my ex-husband and I got all our cats and where my current baby here in Sweden with me is from. Love that place!

Well that was a sudden and jarring about-face. Wonder who got threatened here...

That you think substance abuse and mental health crises aren’t inextricably intertwined says a lot about you. You can have mental health issues, substance abuse issues, and be a colossal and dangerous asshole... but substance abuse is very much a mental health thing.

If abortion wasn’t an issue, then why would the Supreme Court have felt the need to dismantle it?

This a thousand times. This this this. Even if they wanted to dick around with some of the music, not THIS song. Any song but this one. 

Going on a limb to say he’s probably not read much at all.

The initial installation of her conservatorship was done without any evaluation whatsoever. That was one of the things that her lawyer used to declare the whole set up invalid to make the case for dissolution.  

The way the right is trying to erase us queer people from daily life I’m beginning to get the impression they liked it better when we had to live quietly and be more available for holiday’s away from their families as rent-boys.

Why is there a photo of him with Jennifer Garner, his EX wife, in the article?

Ten years ago, I’d have agreed. But after being married to a small-dicked man for 6.5 years, let me just say... they compensate. Badly.

The first season is excellent and the second season is good but not great.

Anybody that is a proponent of this is, of course, nobody you’d want to be trapped in a marriage with anyway.

Hard disagree there. While very much a product of its time, the second movie was a quintessential Tomb Raider outing with all the trappings and beats of the game translated rather perfectly to the screen. Signed, Tomb Raider games megafan. (Well, the classics anyway. The reboots... not so much.)

I just have zero sympathy for anyone who, as an AMERICAN of all people, willingly goes to work as a high-profile sports star in RUSSIA. The hubris of assuming you aren’t always going to be an easy target for any infraction. But then drugs???? Sorry, but I don’t care that your long flight after having covid was

Yesterday, plz.

Oh dear god. “Represent yourself like one”… really? And what exactly is this lofty standard? How do all masters students conduct themselves?

Exactly. Their entire outlook in politics and life is just “The taliban but white”.

Using “Europe” as a destination in this article is really weird, not least of all because you use it mostly in conjunction with saying the other city the plan was traveling to or from.