Fiddly Dee

You’re a WINNER, FilthyWhore. 

If anyone needs me I’ll be in my casket awaiting burial due to the fact that I have died and am DEAD. LMAOOOOOOO. BossyBottomBrigade! HAHAHAHA.

DaBaby is starting to sound more remorseful. I wonder what changed?

Bit of an overreaction. I don’t look down on her work. I rather like her work, in fact, but I do feel like it’s all had the effect of becoming a bit one-note and same-y. Same with her visuals. Perhaps I’m just not into her enough to make such fine distinctions, but I think it’s kinda lame to like school me on the

Beyoncé is just so one note these days. I literally couldn’t tell you if these were new or ten years old if I hadn’t already known. 

Motion sustained! 

Agreed! The power of science, baby!!!

Isn’t this covered well under discrimination housing laws?

Are we going to pretend like he knows what a woman’s scent of health smells like?

Dork bitch boy ahahahaahahahhahaha

I hadn’t even considered how oddly specific that part was. The HIV/AIDS thing was oddly specific too. As was the part about “if your pussy smells like water”.... which, in my limited but not zero experience with pussy, it’s never smelled like water so much (though lovely all the same!).

A man’s, in all probability.

The gaslighting by this fool is enough to ignite what’s left of his career by the end of next week. Maybe he can take Torey Lanez and T.I. down with him at the same time, and spare us the effort.

LMAO. Going to use this sometime. Hahahahaha that was GOLD.

Like, sucking-dick-in-the-parking-lot-at-a-music-festival-gay.

Not exactly sure that health class, or any class, scared this guy “straight” lol. 

I would rather chew through barbed wire and then gone off my own dick before I EVER moved back to Alvin, Texas. Jesus this whole premise is so manufactured and terrible. Fuck. No. 

The projection is REAL. 

There’s some MAJOR projection and fear manifesting here lol. Like I think homeboy wants to come out and just be gay but is scared shitless of getting an HIV diagnosis. Which is hilarious. I’m positive (and gay!) and haven’t thought much about either of these features like this in… well, a long while. Though he can

I am both gay and HIV+ and until this clown started going off a few days ago, I can’t say even I thought about either of those things as much as this closet case has lately. 😂😂😂