
Yeah fuck him, but fuck youself some too you might be so up tight. Good grief.

I would also think she especially would be cognizant to the idea of unwanted touching.

Hugging people you don’t know seems like a habit that might be found in the Fox News or Uber offices. This situation seems innocent enough, but it’s not difficult to understand why someone might not want a hug from someone they don’t know (or anyone, for that matter)..

I don’t think I’d want strangers running up and hugging me either. Maybe she was a fan that slipped through the ropes? Judging by the worried look on his face, he had no idea who this person was, nor what she was going on about. Imagine if this had been Michael Richards running up to hug Beyonce and she was like, “I

I wish people would leave him alone on this. That wasn’t a situation where asking for a hug made sense, and it’s always okay for someone to turn down a hug even if it is one where hugs are normally given. It’s also fine that he doesn’t know who Kesha is. They’re not even in similar fields of entertainment.

She’s a despicable sociopath. End of story.

That’s not surprising, these kids were stars from the day they were born. And whilst they don’t have paps following them around very day in Australia, they make the news often. They were always going to grow up to be wildlife ambassadors, simply by virtue of their parents. I would imagine they’re pretty proud to go

Understanding and interpreting statistics is an incredibly important and useful skill. Thank you for at least trying to teach them about that.

If you want your kids to not turn into racist homophobic shit heads, keep them off online games. Multi-user online gaming has much to answer for in normalizing homophobic and racist behavior. Not to mention just the general abrading of empathy and blurring the line between real life and fantasy.

See, I saw it & thought Kesha was the asshole for asking multiple times and advancing on a stranger. Jerry backed up out of frame to move away from her. Geezus, she was incredibly rude and unthinking.

Yes. I live in Connecticut. The supposed most liberal of the liberal. My parents live in Louisiana. Reddest of the red. I regularly encounter more jaw-dropping instances and statements of racism here than I do when visiting my family. I grew up in the rich part (full of its own issues of country club, hedge fund

I absolutely support a person’s right to say no. No unwanted attention, no unwanted touching. Ever.

Maybe we talk to the Obama girls about how they felt about pics of their father being hung

But they said Obama was embarrassing.

Whoever becomes the next President will actually have to have that “apology tour” that conservatives claim Obama went on.

Contrast this with the inevitable make-out session Macron and Trudeau will be having shortly.

Racist white men are the most fragile, scared and sensitive people in the country, which I think has a lot to do with these fits and power trips.

“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

Single Prayer Healthcare.

The male lead (my celebrity crush, Dane DeHaan) is actually 31! Someone upthread made a very good point - humans will continue to look younger and younger.