I lost time in my life watching this and now i cant get it back. Give me back my TIME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH F*#$ *runs through wall* LOL!
I lost time in my life watching this and now i cant get it back. Give me back my TIME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH F*#$ *runs through wall* LOL!
watch UFC2 come out with like a rendition like all the street fighters do. UFC2: Extreme Edition ROFL!
Hell yeah! Get the best of both worlds. Some people like to collect stars, others like to collect key cards haha
I still have to beat the 3rd one =( Is this a completely different story or is it tied in somehow?
I guess its just like one of those car crashes you have to see till the end regardless of how bad you know its gonna be ROFL!
Yo if i drop Street Fighter V because Pokken Tournament is mad indepth as a fighting game i will LOL soooooo hard! ROFL!
I’m actually looking forward to this! Mario games always reminds me of when i was a kid playing the old school ones or even playing em in high school
LOL! this statement made my night! ROFL
i have lost track of what “new” 3DS means since they have so many dam versions =( I have a 3ds that i think is new cause its about 2 years old but i never know with Nintendo now LOL!
talk about calling an Audible on that shit! LOL!
That game was bad ass! For some reason i remember that Doom being one of the LONGEST ones i ever played =)
I actually beat FF XIII like 5 months ago i wanted to do XIII-2 but its acting funny on my pc when i try to play with controller *cries* =(
I also went to the bathroom 3 times and had to wash my hands 3 times which means somewhere in the world a “valve” was opened and closed 3 times. Its all part of their plan! they got us!
That face made me LUL soooooo hard! ROFL! well played
some people say BC for Before Christ, I say BC for Burning Crusade cause THAT was the true age of enlightenment in that game =) Dat pvp was legit and even Wrath was good. I cant really say i hold any other expansion highly on pvp. Its whateves now for the most part, but thats my opinion for sure
They shoulda called this game Unreal Tourna-smite! or League of Unreal Legends or Unreal Glory ok ok ill stop haha But on a serious note this game looks impressive
I’m not gonna lie, I bought the Drakes Collection for ps4 but for some reason i couldn’t get into it. I will eventually play through all of em but because of such a high esteem talked about the game I wasn’t captivated by it as i thought i would. I have a question, is this one of those games that were AMAZING to play…
so are they able to play on the court or are the tennis players kinda assed out on playing? ROFL! Sick art but I would be aggrevated if they did that on a handball court and i couldnt get my quick fix in! =p
Screw that Dam water level in TMNT for NES and the electricity that goes along with that crap. me and my brother were swinging out nintendo controllers like morning star weapons cause of that game! ROFL!