
Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.

i think what bothers me the most is the lack of anything to do once youve finished the game and leveled up... sure DZ and missions over and over... but i like to solo around too and theres NOTHING left for me. ive gotten every collectible, all missions are done... literally the only thing to do is DZ and replay

It’s a fun game. Not perfect, but very fun. Endgame isn’t really there yet to be sure, but they’re working on it and in the meantime the DZ is solid and enjoyable. But, i’ve easily gotten 80+ hours out of the game and i’m not even close to being maxed out past the current “end game.”

My biggest problem with the going rogue in the dark zone is there isn’t a good enough reward for it. Right now, if you can survive the rogue timer, at best you get whatever items the person you killed was holding. Which you can get easier without risking all your $ and xp just by killing NPC mobs and opening chests.

Where the hell did you get skinny jeans and those shoes? ARGH.

I’ll be playing the Division as well, searching for shoes and boots

I feel like I should wait until the full game comes out.

Stop it please!!! as a European who’s been living around all these boring diesel and sluggish manual grearbox...i say STOP IT! you get just little push then boooooooooooo

I learned from experience during my time in the Navy. My A school class included Marines, in the NAG we worked closely with Marines attached to the MEU, and there was that week the ship spent in Okinawa. I got a enough good first hand Marine experience to know that the Marines should be left alone to do their mission.

Because the Army is more than happy to occupy the area the Marines have won. The Navy figures that the Marines are better suited to support Marines so we let them fly their own planes. Also we are sort of scared of the Marines, last time we said no they held us down and drew a bunch of dicks on our face. So we just

“Feels like a BMW”

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

Do people feel that way? :/ I mean movies aren’t outdated. I think they aren’t giving themselves enough credit for how good they are at storytelling. Everyone else has to make open world etc because they don’t or can’t make the story a compelling enough experience. Which is to say mediocre linear campaign loses to

Yugoslavia reneged on their part of the Rambouillet Accords. And they killed far more civilians than NATO bombing did.

White guy reporting in. Cam Newton is great. I love to see someone having fun.

Against a Saints defense that scares nobody

Nobody smart in San Diego cares. If the Chargers leave, they will be a mediocre team in LA with no fan base.