
Why isn’t she undocumented?

This reads like a manual on how to get dumped. Any clinically sane person would end a relationship with any of these traits in 5 minutes.

LA Noire

Some of the best environments in gaming ever...

Fool me once...

So now I guess they can similarly suck.

Yeah but what’s with the voice actors’ accents in ME Andromeda?

Too much glue has been sniffed...

What has the world come to?


Well according to the article it’s not bringing enough money...

Actually I’m hoping they would back off from front wheel platforms, refine the steering and go back to their roots.

In Europe, they’ll just take Alfa and make it into a more interesting and reliable budget Audi. They had an eye on it before. In USA Jeep and Ram would complement their product line nicely. Scrape/dismantle/discontinue the rest.

What’s frightening is how this crap was released in the first place...

No we don’t.

You are spitballing here.

Yes and whenever the discussions around that start to get serious, America’s little minions in London start working really hard to unravel them.

An armored BMW 7-series would be perfect. They should buy it before DT introduces the 35% tariff though.

Just get Amazon Prime and watch the real thing.

Best gaming news of 2016! I can’t wait. Naughty Dog, you’ll get my money the moment this gets available for pre-order.