
“However, when placed on the full spectrum of modern gaming—one that includes the PC—the PS4 becomes much less of a confident competitor”.

Trent Balki of 49ers wishes you all Happy Christmas and Merry New Year. He no leak, this other guy leak...

Because he’ll use those 45bn to make us all wear adidas shower shoes and hoodies...

If Romo wants Super Bowl, he should take this opportunity and lock himself in a gym, and not come out until next September.

OK enough of this non-issue already...

No, braille TV with thousands of steel micro-spikes protruding directly into viewer’s head...



Well the original movies were American Revolution re-told. Trade guild blockade (meh), Empire-Evil, Republic-Good, secret orders, blah, blah. That’s probably why it still so resonates in popular culture, which is heavily influenced by Hollywood, which of course is Made in America.

I heard “running blacks” on NPR, of all places, a couple of years ago. Almost crashed my car laughing.

Hah. Body coach. Someone actually seen Brady’s body lately?

Oooh that’s so unfair to these respectable companies!

Oooh that’s so unfair to these respectable companies!


Cut the crap and trade him to Broncos already. This guy could do wonders with any franchise that has its shit together.

Hey, which Bob Dole’s arm, the good one or the one shriveled down because it was shot up in WW2?

Right! Mariota probably has more potential than Foles in the long run, but Foles is currently very impressive unlike Bradford. And let’s remember that Chip Kelly supposedly devised a “QB-proof” system so in theory any QB should be able to plug in and play.

Supposedly to get Mariota.

The funniest thing though is that poor sob Hoyer walking around the sidelines WITH HIS HELMET ON, as though he expected to be back in the game any minute. But with O’Brien you never know...

The team should be renamed to something more appropriate and not misleading. Silicon Valley Jailbirds would work. Or South Bay Domestic Abusers.