
An excellent way to spend 4 minutes and 59 seconds.

What's so "HD" about it if it has the same 800x480 resolution as many other smartphones?

"It's a like a Motorola Droid, but with a BlackBerry keyboard bolted on the bottom."

You know what else relieves intracranial pressure?

This is the first time I've called technology evil.

Who makes the sandwich bag? Sounds like an excellent marketing opportunity.

"Could you seriously masturbate knowing you look like the nutty professor?"

Regrettably, this is hilarious.

That's actually a re-branded Clevo X7200. The X7200 only has 3 slots for RAM. So unless some 8GB 204-pin SODIMMs exist, this laptop maxes out at 12GB of RAM.

I thought this was literally a portable snail cooker. For cooking the mollusks on the fly.

Neither, really. I drink copious amounts of iced tea though, if that counts.

I clicked this post solely to see the Xzibit references.

I find the first picture intriguingly erotic.

Great title to read aloud.

This also explains why many men don't look like this.

You had me with "nudity, explicit language, sexual deviance, drugs".

Successful troll is successful.

One thing is for certain, this will not get me to shop at IKEA.