If it tastes like the latest album, then the flavor should be called "Crap".
Seriously Blur… what happened? You used to be cool…
If it tastes like the latest album, then the flavor should be called "Crap".
Seriously Blur… what happened? You used to be cool…
I hope they don't end up killing independent George.
Ben Chang: Great actor, huge McRib problem.
Thanks for being so positive.
I think we should resolve this situation in a Celebrity Deathmatch!! =P
I absolutely love Anna Kendrick. Would marry her in a snap. She's gorgeous, talented, funny, cute… one of my all-time Hollywood crushes.
Love the shaky-cam effects! And the lens-blur!
Glorious news!!
It looks more like an Empire-like show than an Entourage-like show.
Still looks good, it has become one of the show that I'm really expecting.
If there is one sequel I was really waiting from Pixar, is this one.
Great to know that it's going to happen sooner or later!
One more season would be a nice farewell.
Well, those are good news. Still, hoped it would be the last season.
A dignifying series end would be better than letting it fade away into sitcom-nothingness.
Honestly, I thought the show was getting canceled. This last season has been really really bad, writers have clearly lost their mojo. And knowing that coach is no longer going to be in the show isn't really making me look forward with much excitement about the next season.
Jon Ham and Bryan Cranston should join forces and create a new show called "Breaking Mad Men", that is about a marketing firm that works only with illegal business and drug-dealers, helping them create underground advertising and expanding their business/territories, but all in such a subtle way that the marketing…
This is the most awesome thing I'll probably see during what's left of the week and, maybe, the month.
Teaser/trailer or GTFO.
All I'm gonna say: Please, Andy, wear a secret tie!!
Can't wait to see what kind of "retired cop/military/specia-ops with a very particular set of skills gets summoned into action by the kidnapping of a relative" is Liam Neeson going to star next year!!
Where John Cusack is a divorced alien disguised as a ninja turtle.
Because in every movie he's in, John Cusack plays the role of some that has been recently dumped by his girlfriend/wife.