
Jimmy Fallon Death Hoax’ has been officially added to the list of cool band name ideas.

What if they simply choose the character models that were the best for the character?

Getting good is EVERY game. Most games however, aren’t pretentiously up their own ass about it. And outside of souls games, the players aren’t as selfish and insecure about it.

No, it’s nothing like that.

You don’t have to be sorry. I don’t expect you to be. I expect you to double down and call anyone who disagrees a bigot or some other low effort insult you replace a decent argument with when you can’t come up with one which is always.

All because someone considers Black -Fucking- Panther to be a standard Marvel movie

Nobody asked you.

Sorry I tried to help.”

No you didn’t. You fought against someone you consider racist without having the balls to just say it. Now you’re just acting like a baby because your usual nonsense hasn’t chased away opponent like it usually does and you’re at a loss.

I wonder if black people are the target audience for all the other Marvel films and if they have the right or insight to ever criticize them.

They never singled anything out. They pointed out that, like many marvel movies, the villain wasn’t very good. YOU, being in full righteous mode, assumed that since they mentioned the villain in this movie, that the remainder are being overlooked. When the argument here is that, because of representation, the banality

Yeah the conversation is Black Panther is special because black people. There really isn’t anything to add that isn’t gonna make emotionally invested idiots not use it as an opportunity to look like an ally over a Marvel movie that is uncriticizable because representation matters no matter how banal.

You have no clue what “gamers” know.

Don’t worry bro, you’ll always have Pornhub.

So basically, you’re cool with rules being utterly breakable as long as you’re popular. Good call. Other sites have done it. Guess what? They’re doing just fine.

Oh FFS, stop defending this garbage. The only people who like this, are thirsty bros who use words like “puritanical” to attack people who want to clean up a gaming stream site of it’s low effort, THOT garbage.

What’s story on this one, Prince Vapejuice travels the land to introduce the peasantry to Crossfit?

Not really. Marx was “one of the good ones” I’m sure. A Plenty of bigots make exceptions for certain celebrities, while hating the race in question. Like me. I hate Cardassians but I can still appreciate Garak.

Yeah, I think the worst example may be Medusa’s Coil.

Where, you know how a story is just there to lead up to a shocking reveal at the end? Like Psycho, when ‘mother’ turned out to be to have been dead the whole time. We’ve all seen a few over the years.

Reminds me of the Mr. Show w/ Bob and David sketch ‘Take Back The Streets’. Which was a satire of the real former Chicago detective, J.J. Bittenbinder, who would refer to criminals by absurdly diminishing labels like calling a rapist or murderer a ‘goof’.

No, just someone that enjoys a good story without gratuitous stupidity.

He’s an untalented racist that got lucky, and was first. You wrote a huge article basically kissing his ass, just another in a long line of sycophants.