
To be fair, DC has been fucking up Harley as a character long before Robbie was cast to play her. With a few exceptions obviously like whenever Bruce Timm writes her, or Injustice. But the crappy New 52 juggalette 'Suicide Squad Harley' is pretty much what is being shown in this film.

They're gonna need a bigger Guantanamo Bay.

Not the argument dumbass.

Somewhere Jamie Oliver cries out in terror, as if a million arteries have just been clogged, then silenced.

We all knew Wonka was some sort of Nyarlathotep* avatar, when he decided to show a bunch of kids his bootleg reel of Faces of Death in the nightmare tunnel boat ride.

That reminds me of an Insane Clown Posse rhyme. Except replace every third word with 'fuck' and every second word with 'clown'.

Also Damon Lindelof.

Look at all those polo shirts.

Not always, and people have a hard time hearing it. So you have to 'turn it up' for them.

These aren't more realistic, just more or less toned or fatter. Their proportions are still cartoonish. Robin's feet are still bigger than his head.

…Joe Pesci said just before slipping on a pile of Micro Machines and mashed up Christmas tree ornaments before falling down a flight of stairs into a carefully elevated clothing iron…

I don't know what to think of the film. The trailer is awful, but even Melissa Mccarthy was confused by it, so who know how the film will actually turn out. The only problem I've ever had with the film is that it's a remake/reboot and not a continuation of the older films. The cast I don't mind. They could be a

I had the Spear Snake action figure when I was a kid, but I couldn't send in the proof of purchases to get Whip Snake. Also had the William 'Refrigerator' Perry figure.

…and the transition to Idiocracy's universe is now complete.

Second season GITS: SAC was amazing.

It's fine, just two images of her one in her beige dress uniform. the other is her more heavy grey armor.

It's why Troll 2 is so bad it's good, while Movie 43 is just awful.

The pie gag is only funny when the sap's got dignity, to paraphrase Krusty the Klown.

"Batman V. Superman was a more mature, more complex work than Avengers"

Yeah it's actually pretty sad. I feel for the guy. He did a great job, and really put his all into that role and loves these characters. I don't find the video funny at all. Some people are rejoicing in this interview, and I just see a guy who really tried to do something he cared about react to it's critical failure