
Regardless of what you personally think about it (incidentally I’ve had a lot of fun with it when taking the console to friends’ places), the fact remains it’s a concept executed exactly as they wanted it to, and there is no “oversight” in leaving out the d-pad. It’s a stupid and short-sighted comment on the writer’s

Exactly, the 4 buttons being as they are instead of a d-pad has an obvious purpose that’s been made clear ever since the Switch was first shown. Anyone who calls this an “oversight” must be suffering from early alzheimers. But then, this is Kotaku...

They will never release a joycon with a d-pad because that would defeat one of the main purposes of the joycon. I’m baffled as to how many people (including the article’s writer) have completely forgotten this.

Exactly, calling it an “oversight” is frankly stupid and short-sighted.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild made the un-Nintendo-like move of following the trend and including a mini-map,

Feels kind of like a kid making a fake ID and fake mustache only to buy non-alcoholic beverages.

Well, what these guys mean when they say “if you don’t like VR then you haven’t tried it” is that they are so religiously convinced of the total and utter superiority of VR in every way, that they cannot possibly fathom anyone not liking it after having seen it. You hear this a lot, it’s very predictable and a bit

Because a lot of people think they know about graphics but really shouldn’t be let anywhere near any form of graphics software.

Because Valve has completely disappeared up its own ass.

Wonderboy looks absolutely excellent in every way. Sonic 2 HD though... the tiles and sprites seem to look a lot flatter than the originals, lacking in contrast, and as a result the whole image just feels less detailed and less textured as it scrolls by. I wouldn’t pay money for it like I did for Wonderboy.

Hey Nick, looks like you should’ve put your own picture up there.

Nice bit of whataboutery there, guy. Makes you look good.

There is no “distributing blame” for their behavior when it comes to copyright.

Ahh the shifting blame game...

Yeahhhh..... they’ll “compliment” you right to the bank.

Gamercat is full of shit, as many already have explained in detail. And, ironically, their website redirects to some scam advertising page.

You can try all you want to compare them. But arcade games are worth playing today. Mobile FTP/social “games” are high fucking science in user manipulation. There are entire papers devoted to the subject.

A game such as Metal Slug may have been highly difficult so as to earn quarters... but if you honestly try to compare classics like that to the sort of trash that litters app stores today, you’re insane.

Nope. Y’all are the crazies.