
This is one of those rare situations where having Trump be the face of the policy is a good thing. It illuminates a reality that Palestinians have been enduring at least since 2001: a false promise of peace while Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank making the possibility of a contiguous Palestinian

First, the only reason not to answer such a straight-forward question as “is Islam a religion?” is if the answer is “no”. Second, if Islam isn’t a religion, it’s pretty hard to imagine on what possible grounds the other two abrahamic religions could be. Third, to refuse to recognize a religion or to purposely conflate

Can you just not click on the articles and instead shut the fuck up?

Throughout the campaign, Trump flew back to NYC nearly every single night because he can’t stand sleeping away from Trump Tower. Now he’s got to spend four years in Washington. He hates this.

It’s easy Tim, you just take a role, ANY OLD ROLE, and assign it to a person of color; bc people of color should not exist in media as droll stereotypes for middle america to laugh at while patting themselves on the back for making the bare minimum attempt to be inclusive.

If Muslims wanted to callously inflict their culture, politics, and ideals on other countries they should have had the good sense to invade them in force in the 1800s and systematically dismantled their structures of government and culture while violently exploiting both their natives and their resources, like France

no. use the lane until the merge. Efficiency.

This. This has been proven to be the most efficient way to zipper merge. Use the entire merging lane to gracefully merge in. Nothing more disruptive to traffic than the driver who thinks he/she knows best and merges immediately or blocks the merging lane to prevent traffic flow.

Why? Why waste all this road space? You're only making traffic jams longer than they need to be...

Sorry, I disagree. While the downside of the zipper merge is the existence of that asshole, the alternative is stupid - wasting 100's of feet of open lane space just to make a point.

The people lining up early are the problem. Know why? Because they’re DOUBLING the length of the traffic jam. If everybody would just fill both lanes until the merge point, that exit 4 miles back from the bottleneck would be totally unaffected. But the idiots that think they’re somehow being nice or respectable by

Dear ‘Murricans on Jalopnik - please stop being stupid. Can You? Please?

So you’re arguing that we shouldn’t be using the full capacity of the roadway and to encourage single-lane backups miles before a work zone, then?
I’m working by a long-term construction site with a years-long lane closure and every morning I see a queue backing up through multiple intersections in the one through lane

Yeah, let’s just merge into one lane as early as possible and leave road space unused, that way we can maximize congestion and make traffic jams much longer!

What about the total passive-aggressive cockface that uses his car to block the collapsing lane dead in its tracks?