
I still can’t understand the vitriol this man inspires in the left-wing circles of sports analysis. We can all agree that this is a spectacle, a money grab, or a waste of time. We can agree that Tebow is attempting to maintain relevancy, and by extension, a steady income. It’s a joke. But the vitriol is...slightly

Last night summed up why he isn’t the MVP. He took almost half of his team’s shots as the PG, effectively freezing out his teammates, and then completely choked the game away in the last minute. In the last four games he has lost to Portland twice, Dallas and Phx. Lebron with Earl Boykins as his starting PG might lose

“These people have awful names.”

Playing it before every. single. fucking. event. also cheapens it. Save it for special occasions.

If I’m not mistaken, playing anthems before sporting events started in WWII to double-down on nationalism. Not that it’s likely in the current climate, but a REALLY EASY way to de-politicize sports would be to not play a fucking national anthem before every event.

Sure, they’ll stand for the anthem, but when the song gets to “bombs are bursting in air” they’ll go down to the ground and scream as if they’ve been shot.

If the Jets are trying to lose it can only mean one thing. Super Bowl Champions. They can’t do anything properly


Jays fan confirmed

+22.5 GB

It’s almost like that’s the only reason he does it and the only reason people want him to stop.

If T.O. was so toxic to the locker room, why did teams continue to employ him? Because he was highly talented, highly skilled, and deserves to be recognized for that. it’s not called the “Hall of Totally Honorable Dudes.”

Yeah, well, Art Monk had literally twice the career that Lynn Swann did.

2nd all time in yards, 3rd all time in TD. He could be locker room AIDS, never mind cancer. He belongs in the HOF. End of story.


The 14 stunned birds were later quoted as saying “They were so good at the beginning of the season, what the fuck happened?!”

I actually have a solution. Birds could stop flying full speed into walls like idiots!

Someone will blow a 3-1 lead, that’s fucking certain.

Matt Purke looks like he only plays baseball ironically. Sort of like he wants to go back to the minors because nobody’s heard of the team he was playing on.

How many times was he stung?