
2 misfortunes? It’s possible. 3 misfortunes? There’s an outside chance. But 5 misfortunes? Ha, I’d like to see that!

Also, doesn’t it seem awfully rude for your character to try to hurt their character? Wouldn’t it be better if they were just friends?

nope, no one plays games that you don’t play. We actually exist only to confirm your own existence. Its one hell of a life.

It seems all but guaranteed that he will go on to become the first player since Oscar Robertson in 1961-62 to average a triple-double for a whole season.

I have been calling him Ender for years. So glad somebody else gets it.

“Remember, the enemy’s gate is down.”

Shout out to Will Shortz for his many years of service to the puzzle community, both in the NYT and on NPR.

“Hey, leave me outta this!”

Alimony is for the kids?

I wish my aptitude test in high school had recommended “Professional Athlete’s Former Business Manager.” Those dudes always make fat stacks.

...they divorced in 2014, shortly after his NFL career ended.

It’s funny that you think a consumable like gas is in any way equivalent to computer software.

A few years ago my home was broken into and I was robbed of my jewelry. My grandmother’s charm bracelet. The bracelet my dad gave to my mom on their first Valentine’s Day together. An engraved watch my parents had given to me when I graduated from high school. A set of gold bangles my Auntie bought for me in India to

Imagine if there was a market for juvenile socialist political screeds and HamNo became wealthy. I am sure he would donate all but the bare of life’s necessities to starving orphans, and never buy anything frivolous. For he is virtuous!

The noteworthy thing is that people have become convinced that there is nothing wrong with having $2 million in jewelry.

But if it were Drake or Lil Wayne with $2 million in jewelry you wouldn’t even bat an eye, right?

The mysoginy in this article is measureable in Trumps. A man should tell a woman how to spend her money beacuase he knows better. Not to mention the male privilege of their being no consequences to a woman being subject to a crime. I am sure she will sleep safe at the residence with no issues per HamNos instruction.

There is literally nothing wrong with owning 2 Million in jewelry. How she spends her money is her business. Her spending does not need to be dictated by those who believe they have the authority to tell people how to spend their money.

I get why clickbait isn't acceptable to use for some sorts of criticisms, but how do you figure it's not acceptable to use in the case of a misleading headline designed to make people think that a fairly mundane article is not mundane? I take it to mean the same thing. You may not like that it carries with it a much

Guy with job defends job.