
Yup. Rapists don’t need a penis to rape.

Can we please go a week without having to read about the President using the word pussy?

Next years SAT:

That actually makes me feel kinda good.

I do think trump is a rapist. I also think that trump is not capable of achieving an erection.

So much this. I often wonder how much more difficult life would have been for my immediate family had they chosen to migrate to the US instead of Australia. Not that anyone is undocumented, but by virtue of the fact that we’re Arabic speakers there are always going to be some racist assholes who will hate us on the

This is my cat. He’s an aggressive cuddler Like so aggressive it’s like he’s mad at me. But, no, he just doesn’t know how to be gentle.

Poor Donny, he grabs ONE pussy and . . . well, nothing

I don’t know how effective it is at preventing abuse, but for any workplace, it can’t hurt to explicitly list out what is ok and not ok behavior, and also remind employees that they can be fired for exhibiting not ok behavior. (This is less relevant to congresspeople, but still.)

To be fair, a key aspect of the story is his thirst.

It should be a fairly easy class. Just put a big ass poster of 45 up, point to him and say, “Whatever he does . . . don’t.”

I think Curry is processing it in a blender with tequila and ice.

“Were not here to take away your jobs.

Some people vehemently disliked her, but I enjoyed Ann Curry. Her voice tended toward a low register, and that was soothing (especially compared to Matt’s sometimes-nasally chatter, and another chirpy host whose name I cannot be bothered to recall).

I’d totally forgotten just how smoking hot Chris Hemsworth is until Thor: Ragnarok, as I’m not so much into the long-haired look. But then cut his hair short and take off his shirt, and I was like HOT DAMN! aloud in the theatre /cough

and it won’t affect the quality and delays one expects from AA

*Taking names*

I love me some Captain America, but Bearded Cap takes it up to the next level.

Every group does this, but we are the ones who have to censor ourselves? Why?

How did I know someone was gonna come at me with the ol’ “I love NWA so it’s cool” comment?