
“Not really...” - Matt Lauer

The tone of this thread is jarring.

I relish a feel good story like this!

I think I would need to visit the Mayo Clinic if I was in that cat’s situation.

Glad someone mustard the courage to help the kitteh!

It’s a Miracle(whip)!

Mayo? Catsup to no good.

Cat to vet after free procedure: Aioli you one.

Good samaritans saved poor kitty. Hey cat! Mayo never do that again!

The procedure would normally cost $2,500 but Dr. Kathio did it for free since Whisker’s World couldn’t afford that.

Your answer is a just mouse click away.

I mean, come on. The idea that Doug Jones would be trouncing Roy Moore if he was a “viable candidate” is laughable. Doug Jones is a dedicated public servant who served as a civil rights lawyer and who has an extremely impressive record. But you’re being willfully blind if you don’t acknowledge that a large portion of

Meanwhile grabber in Chief is still in office and women are fighting for Moore to be another molester in D.C.

weird but true fact - maybe 15 years ago I visited a college friend who had a crappy apartment in Brooklyn and he had this EXACT setup. Same tile, same step, even had the mirror on the back of the door. I understand your suffering. I do not care about it. But I understand it.

This is all so very well put. And, I would add to all that the words of igotwords to it above: they’re satisfied “as long as they get to look down on someone.” Settling for a shitty place in the system means you’re not at the bottom of the totem pole.

I hope everybody here who keeps saying that they “just know” that he’ll get elected is at least doing something to make that outcome less likely because this defeatism is tiring

And if he did that to someone with as much power as Couric, there’s no telling what he did to those who weren’t considered to be at the same professional level.

That’s the important thing to remember about the patriarchy: conditional protection is, in the minds of many people, better than no protection at all, especially if you can’t by yourself beat the system.

To be fair a lot of people in Alabama have been horrible for a long long time. This is the same place where little black girls were bombed in a church, and then they violently assaulted people for the crime of wanting to be educated in a white school. They fought for segregation, jim crow, they slaughtered anyone

Take from this month-old tweet what you will: